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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending May 13, 2018

LWKD has been on hiatus due to KubeConEU and multiple industry conferences. As such, this issue covers the last two weeks of development. Mind the gap? LWKD is looking for contributors

Community Meeting Summary

The demo that kicked off the community meeting was Ambassador, a simple-to-configure routing tool for Kubernetes built on Envoy, which can replace Ingress for some users.

SIG-Architecture, according to Brian Grant, is finalizing their charter, as well as working with SIG-PM on the KEP process. They also want to create a formal review process for API changes. Interested? Join their weekly office hours to discuss things. SIG-Contributor Experience is thinking of launching a contributor site, per Paris Pittman. The first part of this is a Discourse forum, which was launched this week. They are planning a contributor survey for June, have started the Developers Guide, and need mentors as always.

The big news of the week is that Docs and website have moved to Hugo.io from Jeckyll. As Hugo has somewhat different and stricter formatting, Docs contributors may need to revise contributions. SIG-Apps has posted the results of the Applications survey. Lastly, SIG-UI needs help, esp. JS and go programmers.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Beta0 Release, May 15th

Last week was week 6 of 12 for 1.11 development. The focus was on fixing test failures. Thanks to the hard work of the Release Team (especially Aish Sundar) and the responsiveness of contributors, we appear likely to be able to release Beta0 on time. But please check your Github email for messages from CI Signal.

We have 42 Features in the tracking worksheet. There is a 1.10.3 update release planned for May 21st.

Feature Work


Version Updates

Other Merges

Graph of the Week

pie chart of GUI usage

The results of the Application Survey included a number of charts. The respondees skew heavily towards Helm users, so it’s interesting to see what else Helm users use, such as which GUI they use, if any. As you can see here, 40% of them don’t use a GUI at all.

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.