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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending May 20, 2018

Prepare yourself for an extra-long LWKD! Apparently once everyone got home from KubeCon EU, they merged all the code they discussed there, especially the Kubeadm team. More than 70 changes worth noting, below.

We also have a new privacy policy, in compliance with the GDPR.

Community Meeting Summary

Last week’s Community Meeting featured a demo of Gardner, a new open source multi-cluster manager from the folks at SAP engineering. This includes a collection of Teraform templates for public clouds called Kubify.

SIG Updates: Bobby Salamat explained SIG-Scheduling’s current projects, including getting Priority/Preemption to beta, creating an equivalence cache for scheduling, and gang scheduling in order to make scheduling new pods faster. They’re also working on moving taint-based eviction to beta, and designing two new projects: a scheduling framework, and Pod scheduling policy. For SIG-Scalabilty, Bob Wise detailed performance advice and current work, including that users should use tested etcd versions and test clusters with Kubemark. They’re working on better real-workload testing, and having a presubmit mini-performance test. Daniel Smith of SIG-API Machinery introduced their “new dynamic client” with a better interface. The old client is now deprecated. CRDs will be versioned in 1.11, and they will also be launching an “Apply Working Group” which will govern a feature branch to change how Apply is implemented.

As always, Kubernetes is looking for mentors. The next Meet our Contributors is June 6th. The Discourse Forum for Kubernetes is now active, and the community will be running a 3-hour AMA at DockerCon on June 13th.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: May 25th, placeholder Doc PRs are due for all new features.

1.11.0 beta0 was released on May 16th.

Due to the hard work of many contributors in diagnosing and fixing test failures, CI signal is relatively clean and the Release Team is delaying and shortening Code Freeze as promised. Code Slush now begins a week later, on May 29th and Code Freeze on June 5th.

Feature Work

Now Beta

Lots of things are getting promoted to Beta in 1.11!

Kubeadm Changes

This was a super-busy week for the Kubeadm team.


Version Updates

Other Merges

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.