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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending June 10, 2018

Welcome to a special guest-editor edition of LWKD. Our usual editor is currently fighting back the fearsome code-freeze demons so I’ll be giving you a quick rundown of some of the changes from the last week (or so). Instead of the usual format, this edition will focus on feature work for 1.11; which features are in and which aren’t.

Release Schedule

Next Milestone: June 11th, documentation complete

This week saw the arrival of code-freeze for 1.11 on June 5th, with many teams working tirelessly to get things out before it, and as well see, lots of great documentation updates in preparation for next week’s doc completion target. We also got a 1.11.0-beta.2 release, the final beta release for this cycle.

If you haven’t taken a look lately, the release spreadsheet is looking great, definitely going to be an exciting release!

On Track for 1.11

427: Enable CoreDNS as a DNS plugin for Kubernetes

As we prepare for CoreDNS being the default DNS providers in 1.11, a lot of documentation is getting tweaked and updated. The Kubeadm team is tracking the state of all the different updates.

284: Add support for resizing PVs

Similarly we have documentation for online volume resizing as that moves into beta.

265: Implement IPVS-based in-cluster service load balancing

Another great push from the community that looks like it will get in just in time is graduating IPVS load balancing up to Stable. A big round of congratulations to everyone that helped get this feature out!

34: Add sysctl support

Similarly sysctl management is planned to move up to Beta, with a nice documentation update in progress as part of that.

544: Custom Resource Definition Versioning

The implementation for CRD versioning was merged, and the documentation is following closely behind.

548: Schedule DaemonSet Pods by kube-scheduler

Some further refinements of the documentation for ScheduleDaemonSetPods is up pending further review.

554: Dynamic Maximum volume count

Dynamic volume limits support for EC2 EBS and GCE PD volumes was merged.

Release Slip

As mentioned before, sometimes code-freeze means delaying features and this time around is no different. Hopefully most of these will land early in the 1.12 cycle.

I want to draw a little extra notice to node-level user namespacing, even though it has had to bump to the next release, check out the Pull Request. It improved massively in the few days before code freeze, and could use a few more eyeballs.


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Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.