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Week Ending August 19, 2018

Community Meeting Summary

The demo at the community meeting was for Kong, an Nginx-based Ingress proxy. It supports packet inspection, flexible routing, and bypassing kube-proxy.

Andrew Chen delivered the SIG-Docs update, sharing upcoming work like the new docs contributor guide, an alternative Chinese search engine and trying to straighten out generated docs in time for 1.12. They are also looking for folks to diagram architectural concepts, and covered the search outage postmortem

Sahdev Zala introduced SIG-IBMCloud, who support compatibilty with IKS and IBM Cloud Private. Currently they are working on supporting the Cloud Provider API and their Charter. SIG-Autoscaling’s Solly Ross explained their current work on the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), such as making scale limits smarter and more algorithmic, in time for the feature to be beta in 1.12. They are also figuring out how to integrate the Cluster Autoscaler with the Cluster API.

Reminder: The Steering Committee election process will start (delayed) this week.

New contributors will now ask for Org Membership by filing an issue in kubernetes/org. Aaron Crickenberger went over upcoming automation and homogenezation coming to the Kubernetes repos and namespaces soon:

Some questions remain open, such as whether all repos should have /retest and lifecycle/stale.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Placeholder PRs for Docs, August 21st

Release Lead Tim Pepper warned contributors that Code Freeze is in just two weeks. Version-branch CI should be delivered this week.

KEP of the Week

Chris Hodge went over KEP 0019, which is the docs portion of moving Cloud Providers out of the main repo. To transfer responsibility, SIG-Cloud-Provider needs to set standards for docs, and provide docs on how to activate a new cloud provider.

The new design for kubectl plugins has landed. In addition to fundamentally changing how you extend kubectl, this also adds kubectl plugin and supports users loading plugins just by dropping a kubectl-* binary in their PATH.

Volume resizing handlers have been moved from the general controller to the specific storage controllers, in preparation for handling volume resizing on a per-CSI-driver basis.

Other Merges


Heapster is deprecated in 1.12, and will be removed entirely in 1.13. Time to migrate your services away from Heapster.

Version Updates

Graph of the Week

graph of running PR flakiness

Crickenberger went over several boards and graphs that allow contributors to track flaky tests, including the above bigquery chart of PR flakiness. Together with the presubmits test grid, PR authors and code owners should regularly check if their code is making the builds or tests unreliable.

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.