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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending September 9, 2018

Community Meeting Summary

This week’s community meeting began with a demo of etcdproxy-controller, a GSoC project aiming to allow mediated access to Etcd for things like aggregated API servers or safely exposing the primary cluster Etcd instance for use by user-managed services within the cluster.

Aaron Crickenberger talked about Tide and the switch to it for merge automation. Tide replaces the single merge queue with a more agile system that runs many parallel test pools. By the time you read this, the final switch should be thrown on kubernetes/kubernetes to migrate over from mungegithub, with the SIG-Testing team watching closely for any issues. Check out the PR author guide for info about interacting with it as an author, and look at the meeting notes above for a summary of the Tide UI and other internals.

Tim Pepper had a quick update on the progress of 1.12, which is now in code freeze. The release target is still September 25th, but this may be at risk due to CI stability. Google is planning to help out with signal related to GKE flakiness, but everything can use more eyes right now.

Josh Berkus demoed the new DevStats dashboard. It’s got lots of updated graphs of contributor and repository activity, and most of the new graph pages have descriptions and help text to explain what is being shown. If you’re running a CNCF project and want to measure on your overall GitHub stats, check it out!

Steve Wong from SIG-VMWare gave a quick update on the SIG progress, which is coming along nicely. Loc Nguyen also gave an update on the VMWare cloud provider. It’s being built as an out-of-tree provider, aiming for alpha status with 1.12, beta with 1.13, and stable some time in early 2019.

The deadline for nominations for the steering committee is September 14th, which is also the deadline for voter eligibility.

The Contributor Role Board is continuing to pick up steam. If your SIG is looking for help, or if you’re a new contributor looking for a place to help, check out the posts and maybe add your own.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: 1.12.0-beta.2, September 11th

Another week of code freeze remains for 1.12, until the 19th. As mentioned above, the release team is growingly increasingly concerned that 1.12 might slip due to CI instability and is considering drastic action, possibly removing known flaky e2e suites as release blockers.

Not many major merges this week thanks to code freeze, but a few to take a look at.

Community #2620: Initial bug-bounty scope

This document will lay out the scope and scale of the Kubernetes security bug bounty program. It’s still under active discussion so if you have thoughts on what should be part of the program, comment on the PR.

SIG-Release #280: Assemble Kubernetes 1.13 Release Team

Not technically a PR but still featured! The 1.13 release team is getting built right now and if you are interested in participating, checking out the issue.

#65250: Initial node performance testing framework

The foundations for a node perf test system, this is a solid step towards #65249.

#67263: Move kubelet ComponentConfig external types to k8s.io/kubelet

Another repo split, this time for the kubelet types. Update any imports from k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/config/v1beta1 to k8s.io/kubelet/config/v1beta1.


Version Updates

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

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