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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending September 23, 2018

Community Meeting Summary

Chris Hoge brought us up to date with what SIG-Cloud-Provider is doing in their goal to move all Cloud providers out of core code and into separate plugins using the new Cloud Provider API. Along the way, they’re working out requirements providers, including docs and automated testing. In 1.12, they added new providers Alibaba, DigitalOcean and Baidu. The CP Extraction Group has started work on moving in-tree providers, despite them using non-public APIs, and will continue into 1.13.

Jaice DuMars explained SIG-Architechture’s mission, which is “to maintain architectural consistency over time.” Their subprojects include the API review process, KEP reviews, and the Conformance Test definition.

SIG-API-Machinery, detailed by Daniel Smith, has been working on 1.12. Features include a “dry run” switch in the command API, and versioning of CRDs (no schema changes yet). Server-side apply is also active in a feature branch. Upcoming features for 1.13 and beyond include rate limits, flow control, and API server coordination.

The Steering Committee Election is underway with 144 votes out of a potential 677 cast. Vote before October 3rd!

We also have a contributor survey open, please fill it out.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: 1.12 Release on Sept. 27th

That’s right, all the PRs are merged and the cherrypicks should be done by now, it’s just up to final tests and packaging. 1.12 is almost here.

As such, there is already a draft schedule for 1.13, involving a shorter, 10-week cycle. The goal for this 4th quarter cycle will be “stabilization,” with maximum bug fixes and minimum new features. We’ll see how that actually goes.

Since we’ve had a very quiet week on k/k while the release team gets all their ducks in a row, we’re going to feature another project this week! The Kubebuilder SDK was started as a toolkit to make writing custom resource controllers easier, and is now branching out into supporting other types of Kubernetes extensions.

#143: Admission web hooks

This branch adds helper APIs for creating an admission webhook receiver. The documentation was merged in other PRs, but it should make it a bit easier to set up a new custom webhook for things like injecting pod configuration, verifying objects against a policy, and other webhook-y tasks.

#152: Support registering arbitrary http.Handler in Server

A small change to build on top of the above to allow setting up arbitrary HTTP handles.

#82: crd: add finalizers support in CRD generation

A bit of a cheat since a bug was found after merging so this has been reverted temporarily, but hopefully it will be back soon to make it easier to set up Finalizers on your kubebuilder custom resource objects.


SSH tunnels via the APIserver is going away in 1.12. This feature only worked for GCE users, and has been deprecated for a year.

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

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