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Week Ending September 30, 2018

Kubernetes 1.12 has been released! More on this below.

Community Meeting Summary

Yinan Li shared the activities of SIG-Big-Data, mostly Spark. Apache Spark 2.4 will include the following Kubernetes features: python & R support, client mode for spark-shell, mounting PVs, and scheduler improvements. The Spark Operator now has Prometheus support, and the Airflow operator is 1.0. They’re still working on pod templates, Kerberos authentication, and other Spark integration features.

SIG Scalability’s Shyam Jeedigunta pitched in with an update, incuding the SIG’s new charter. He went over performance test issues in 1.12 (see below), mentioned that the Cluster Loader is now ready for users, and explained the effort to refactor scale-testing infrastructure. They also want to make presubmits faster.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: begin work on 1.13, October 1st

Version 1.12 is released, and Pengfei Ni has now taken over as patch manager. Any known issues should be targeted at 1.12.1. The 1.12 retro will be discussed for the Community Meeting on Oct. 4th.

1.9.11 was released by patch manager Mehdy Bohlool on Sept. 27th, as the last update to 1.9. If you are still using 1.9, you need to either upgrade soon or get legacy commercial support.

The 1.13 release cycle is now open and the Release Team meets Oct. 1st. Please tag any feature patches with Milestone v.1.13. As 1.13 is a short cycle (10 weeks), SIGs should focus on stability instead of new features.

#65135: Add “MayRunAs” value among other GroupStrategies

A quick feature merge now that freeze is behind us, this adds a MayRunAs group strategy for volumes and containers in the PodSecurityPolicy system.

#68754: Make service environment variables optional

A bit of forward motion away from old Docker-y defaults, Kubernetes will no longer populate the docker --link-style environment variables by default, in favor of using DNS-based service lookup through kube-dns or CoreDNS. It can be turned back on if needed using the kubernetes.io/service-environment-variables annotation.

#68752: Start synchronizing pods after network is ready

A small PR which should be nice for people bouncing kubelets a lot during tests, this should prevent pods from coming up before the network is ready.

#68330: ignore .git dirs when executing gofmt

Another (very) small PR, but should be a speedup for running gofmt.

#69055: Kubeadm remove v1alpha2 api

And finally, another bit of momentum from the Kubeadm team, removing the alpha2 API. Existing kubeadm config objects can be upgraded using kubeadm config migrate.

Deferred Features

Switching the default DNS plugin to CoreDNS was booted from 1.12 at the last minute. This was due to performance regressions found by the SIG-scalability team during Code Freeze. Hopefully they can be fixed for 1.13.

Other Merges


Version Updates

Graph of the Week

aggregate failures per hour from triage dashboard

Aaron Crickenberger shared the Triage Dashboard, a place where contributors can go to track down why tests are failing. You can use this interface to see gubernator logs, history of test failures, and other useful troubleshooting data.

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

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