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Week Ending October 7, 2018

Community Meeting Summary

The biggest news from the community meeting is the election of the three new open Steering Committee positions. Our new & returning SC members are: Davanum Srinivas (“dims”), Aaron Crickenberger, and Timothy St. Clair.

Also, note that the Contributor Summit Seattle registration is separate from Kubecon Seattle registration, and contributors should RSVP now.

The rest of the meeting was taken up by the 1.12 Release Retrospective. Highlights of the retro include:

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Enhancements Freeze, October 23rd

Aish Sundar, the new Release Lead, said 1.13 will be a “short release” (10 weeks), so SIGs should scale down their enhancement plans. Planned code freeze is November 15th, targeting a final release on December 3rd (before Kubecon Seattle).

Major changes already happening in 1.13 include deprecating support for etcd2 and upgrading go to 1.11.1 (see below).

Pengfei Ni released 1.12.1 on October 5th, with the first set of fixes for 1.12.

#69310: Remove etcd2 storage backend

Etcd 2 has been deprecated since 1.9 was released last last year, but the time has come to bid it a final farewell. If you have any old test clusters hiding in a dark corner that are still using v2, make sure to get them migrated soon.

#69386: Update to go1.11.1

Jumping from Go 1.10.4 to 1.11.1, this brings some new language features and optimizations. Check out the Go 1.11 release notes for more info on those changes, though it will probably be a while before we see too many changes.

#69464: Move each kubectl command to a separate directory

The kubectl cleanup train continues to roll forward, this time splitting kubectl commands into their own packages. This dramatically reduces the time to run tests or similar on a single command. If you’ve been looking for a good excuse to hack on some kubectl commands, it’s now easier than ever!

#68310: Moving the cloudprovider interface to staging

Another long-term project making progress, the main cloud provider interface code has been split out to k8s.io/cloud-provider. The specific implementations haven’t been moved yet, but anything touching cloud provider data types will need to be updated.

Similarly, the client bootstrap code in client-go has been moved to its own repo.

Other Merges


Version Updates

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

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