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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending January 20, 2019

LWKD is now 1 year old! Congrats to us, and to everyone who’s been subscribing since January 2018! Look for LWKD swag soon.

Community Meeting Summary

A demo of Kamus by Omar Levi Hevroni kicked off last week’s community meeting. It’s a secrets encryption/decryption solution for Kubernetes, using an init container “decryptor” and cloud services for encryption key management.

Sean Sullivan shared the SIG-CLI update, including the kubectl, cli-runtime, and kustomize subprojects. Currently they are working on plugins and dynamic commands as extensions and a better “declarative workflow” for apps using kustomize. They’ve also moved kubectl out of core and adopted a new charter including a “Test Health Lead”.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Enhancements Freeze, Jan. 29

Last week was Week 2 of 1.14, and v1.14.0alpha1 is out. The Release Team is not quite finalized. Currently, SIGs should be gathering a list of Enhancements for 1.14, with the caveat that every enhancement needs an associated KEP. SIG-Release is also considering adding alpha and beta “channels” for packages.

Patch Releases:

In a calculated violation of policy, the Patch Release Team will be issuing v1.10.13 soon. While 1.10 is no longer supported, they felt that we needed to revert a regression introduced in v1.10.12.

#72970: apiserver: sync with http server shutdown to flush existing connections

Small in description but big in impact, this PR fixes a lingering bug where a clean shutdown of apiserver could drop in-progress connections. This could lead to unexpected behavior around “downtimeless” control plane upgrades. But no longer!

#70472: [-controller-manager] get rid of copied fields in the options and using componentconfig fields

This helps to de-duplicate and de-boilerplate code in the two controller-manager trees. Previously a lot of controllers had both FooOptions and FooConfiguration structs, which were nearly identical. Less repeated code means less to maintain, a win for everyone.

#72534: kubelet: promote OS & arch labels to GA

The beta.kubernetes.io/os and beta.kubernetes.io/arch node labels have been promoted to kubernetes.io/os and kubernetes.io/arch respectively. The beta forms will be supported until at least 1.17. These labels can used with scheduling constraints to ensure pods run only on the appropriate hosts in heterogeneous clusters which include Windows nodes or fancy CPU types.

test-infra#10760: Switch test-infra to use go modules

Go modules are a tantalizing future free of dep, but that future is here for test-infra. Porting over k/k is probably a (very) long ways off, so this is unlikely to matter to contributors who’s sole focus is over there. But at least we will have more operational experience working with modules when that time comes. For day to day usage in test-infra, there should be no direct changes, as everything is still automated through Bazel.

community#2843: Contributor Experience Charter

A long time coming, the Contributor Experience SIG has an updated and revamped charter to better describe the teams role and scope in the community. If you’ve ever had questions about who ContribEx is or what they do, check it out.

Other Merges


Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.