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Week Ending February 3, 2019

Community Meeting Summary

This week’s community meeting started with a demo of multicluster-scheduler, which is part of a suite of tools for managing multiple clusters. Adrien Trouillaud showed off running an Argo workflow on two clusters.

SIG-Azure has been working on support for the various kinds of Azure disks and availability zone management. They will soon be moving the cloud provider out of tree (alpha in 1.14), supporting the Cluster API, and adding CSI drivers.

SIG-Release has proposed the creation of an LTS Working Group, and plans to create several other subprojects. It’s also continuing to tinker with the release process (require KEPs, no more code slush) and is pushing to “deflake” CI. Tim Pepper also explained the Release Engineering subproject, and the problems with current build tools and automation.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: KEPs must be Implementable Feb. 4th

We completed the 4th week of 1.14 development, and released v1.14-alpha.2. Enhancement Freeze was Tuesday, with 8 alpha, 8 beta, and 9 stable features, plus 11 KEPs that still need work. This has meant a lot of exception requests.

For CI Signal, tests have now been divided into Blocking and Informing, and Blocking jobs all need SIG owners (including an alerts email). Also, the KOPS presubmit test has been removed from automatic pull tests because of AWS account issues.

Update v1.13.3 was released last week, including update to Go 1.11.5. Since this contains a security update, please update your 1.13 clusters ASAP.




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Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

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