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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending June 9, 2019

Developer News

We are one week away from 1.15 release (hopefully), so check the Release Summary below for lots and lots of deadlines.

There will be a Contributor Summit at Kubecon Shanghai on June 24th.

Meeting Summary

The Steering Committee meeting last week addressed the CoC committee member selection, making budget requests of the CNCF (process coming soon), and making sure a SIG has more than one active chair. The SC members will be doing inclusivity training, and are interested in the Kubecon diversity scholarship process being more transparent. Finally, the Blog is now an official subproject of SIG-Docs.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Today, June 10th is the Docs Deadline. June 11th is Code Thaw and RC1

This is the final week of 1.15, so it’s full of deadlines: your docs should already be merged, you should test RC1 tommorrow, and your cherry picks for 1.15 bugfixes need to be in by June 13th. The release team is still aiming for an on-schedule release June 17th.

It was also a quiet week code-wise, thanks to Code Freeze. A few late-1.15 changes may affect you, though:

Revert CoreDNS to 1.3.1 in kube-up (and Kubeadm as well):

CoreDNS 1.5.0 contains substantial scalability improvements over 1.3.1. However, config files are changed, and blocked being able to upgrade clusters. Absent a migration tool, the project reverted the change. Users of large clusters (5000+ nodes) should still plan on using 1.5.0 via CoreDNS version customization but need to know that upgrading won’t work.

Revert “Promote resourcequota scope selectors to GA” :

since this feature promotion depends on Relax namespace restriction for critical pods, it can’t go GA in 1.15

Other Merges

Version Updates

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.