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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending July 14, 2019

Developer News

Kubernetes Test-Infra has updated their docs, particularly around writing and maintaining test jobs, such as Prow Job Examples and Prow Configuration. At this point, all new jobs should be implemented via Prow annotations instead of updating config.yaml. The easy legacy jobs have already been migrated by the team.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Enhancements Tracking, Alpha.1 July 16th

Enhancements tracking starts today, so at this point any feature updates you have should be reflected in a KEP update and in the Enhancements repo. Use this time to figure out what you’re going to complete before Code Freeze on Aug. 29th. Enhancements freeze will be July 30th.

Patch release 1.15.1 will come out on July 18th, following the patch releases for the other branches that came out July 8th. Note that 1.12.10, which was released 7/8, was the last patch release for version 1.12; if you are on Kubernetes 1.12, you need to upgrade to a later version soon, or find a vendor willing to batchpatch fixes for you.

#80037: Remove support for etcd2 from cluster/images/etcd image

Etcd2 support is long since removed, and so now the official Etcd images will no longer include the 2->3 migration tools. If you still need these tools, you can use an older version of the image or run them some other way. This is unlikely to catch most dev clusters but if you still have Etcd2 in a dark corner somewhere, no time like the present to upgrade it.

#79549: Promote admission webhook API to v1

Admission webhooks have graduated to v1! And with this comes a bunch of changes from beta to GA, mostly changes to the default values of fields to encourage safer usage of webhooks. To shamelessly quote from the release notes:

The v1beta1 versions will still be available until 1.19 as per normal deprecation cycles.

#78447: Migrate scheduler to use v1beta1 Event API

A small change but should be a nice performance improvement for the scheduler, using the new Event API. This should be a transparent change, unless you have custom integrations with the scheduler subsystem.

community#3663: Add Code of Conduct Committee Charter

And finally our awesome code of conduct team has finalized their official group charter. This formalizes the mission and scope of the committee as well as detailing how it operates. I would strongly encourage all community members to give it a quick read so they are familiarized with this team.

Other Merges

We had an extremely busy week:



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