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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending September 29, 2019

Developer News

The Steering Committee Election closes Wednesday, Oct. 2. Please remember to vote! Contributors should have a ballot in their email.

Have you ever checked which OWNERs files you’re in? The answer may surprise you! Use the K8s Owners Checker to check. Get yourself taken off of projects you’re no longer working on, and put onto projects that reflect your current contributions.

Registration for the San Diego Contributor Summit is more than half full for active contributors, so register now if you’re gonna. The Beginner and Intermediate workshops are full and have waiting lists.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: 1.17 Enhancements Freeze, October 15th

1.17 has started and is a short release, so expect some close deadlines. Release Team shadows are being selected this week. Other important deadlines: Code Freeze Nov. 14th, Docs due Nov 19th, and planned final release December 9th.

Patch Releases: 1.16.1 is due out October 2nd. The following patch releases have a cherry-pick deadline of Oct. 11th and expected release date of Oct 15th: 1.16.2, 1.15.5, 1.14.8 and 1.13.12. Note that 1.13.12 will be the last community update to 1.13; if you are running that version in production, please upgrade to a more recent Kubernetes release now.

As another relatively quiet week, we are going to highlight some easily overlooked but important PRs.

#81030: migrate leader election to lease API

This was first attempted back in June but ended up blocked on some critical issues so I’m super glad to see it come back. The leader election API in client-go is used not just by core components like the scheduler and controller manager, but by many custom controllers and operators in the community. Moving things to the leases API helps not just reduce load on Etcd, but also keep RBAC permissions for controllers a little clearer. Migration paths for both endpoint-based and configmap-based elections are included, allowing you to keep both systems in sync during an upgrade.

#83014: Bump k8s.io/klog to v1.0.0

Our little baby klog is all grown up! Moving to 1.0 shows that the API changes in klog are now happily stabilized and should be a smoother all around developer experience going forward. Big congrats to everyone that has helped out with the klog migration over the past year.

community#4129: Update SIG diagram

And finally an old-fashioned image of the week:

Kubernetes SIG diagram

This community documentation refresh is a great overview of what SIGs exist and their relationships to each other and their WGs.

Other Merges


Version Updates

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.