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Week Ending April 26, 2020

Developer News

The Kubernetes 1.19 release schedule has changed, see below.

The kubernetes-anywhere project, a deprecated predecessor to kubeadm, has been archived.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Enhancements Freeze May 19th

Due to the effect of COVID-19 on many people’s schedules, the release of v1.19 is officially postponed to August 4th in order to give all contributors a more relaxed release schedule. Code Freeze starts June 25th to give extra time for stabilizing. Patch support for v1.16 will be extended until September, implementing the Year Support KEP by default.

This means that only 3 versions of Kubernetes will be released this year. The project is undecided as to whether this might be a permanent change.

#90018: Deprecate default conversions

Starting off this week with a simple but critical change. The release notes sum it up best so I’ll quote those directly:

scheme.Convert() now uses only explicitly registered conversions - default reflection based conversion is no longer available. +k8s:conversion-gen tags can be used with the k8s.io/code-generator component to generate conversions.

This is a great step towards removing a lot of the implicit magic on core types!

#89549: Monitoring safe rollout of time-bound service account token

As part of the push towards short-duration, auto-rotating ServiceAccount tokens, a new extension subsystem and tracking metrics help to test the new code paths without risking system stability. If an expiring token is used and --service-account-extend-token-expiration has been enabled, the token expiry will be automatically extended and a log message will be printed with details. There are also new metrics, legacy/stale/valid_tokens_total, to help track the impact and find any unexpected tokens that are still in use.

#89285: remove prometheus dependencies from k/k

And finally a small but notable PR, k/k is now entirely based off our metrics framework rather than the upstream Prometheus client library. This shouldn’t affect much but a thing to keep in mind when writing code which touches metrics. The metrics stability framework is similar to the upstream library but extends it with lifecycle rules that will help ensure people relying on Kubernetes metrics will see them follow our normal stability practices!

Other Merges



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