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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending March 28, 2021

Developer News

The kubernetes/cluster-registry project has been archived. The original Registry concept was found by SIG-Multicluster to be unworkable, and has been replaced with a new project.

Reminder that if you’re a SIG Lead you need to take Bias Training; expect to hear from the SC if you’re still postponing it.

SIG-Scalability shared a SIG update. Particularly, they’re looking for help with a streamlined scalability test process.

And the KEP to move to 3 releases per year is now open for comment.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Complete Docs and Feature Blog entries due March 31st

We’re almost done with 1.21, so it’s been branched, which means that any fixes you have for this release need to be cherry-picked.

We’re in both Code Freeze and Test Freeze, and I can no longer feel my fingers. I hope yours are nimble, though, because you should be writing away right now, finishing any doc edits and writing a paragraph for the release day blog if you have a new feature.



Version Updates

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.