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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending May 23, 2021

Developer News

Tentative plans for the Contributor Summit around KubeCon in October include an on-site unconference-type event before KubeCon, and an online Contributor Celebration event after KubeCon. However, this is all very dependent on what the travel situation in October actually looks like.

Jim Bugwadia and Robert Ficcaglia have been nominated as the new chairs of WG Policy

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Exception Requests Due, June 28

We’re in the “write some code” portion of the release cycle. And while you’re writing some code, why not write a feature blog or release theme too?

It’s also time to Fix Your Test Jobs. We have a total of 7 jobs not passing in Master-Blocking and 13 jobs not passing in Informing, which include test fails and flakes from almost every SIG. So please get on diagnosing and fixing your team’s fails/flakes, before this grinds 1.22 dev and patch release work to a halt.

Next patch releases are June 16th, provided that tests are passing by then.

#101688: Add field-level warning plumbing and add pod spec warnings

For a few releases we’ve had the warnings headers as a way to send back non-fatal messages to be shown by the API client (kubectl, etc) to notify users of upcoming removals or behavior changes. Now that’s been extended deep into the apiserver plumbing, so any type can declare a warnings check hook for incoming object data and emit per-field warnings to be sent back to the user. If you own any API types, consider implementing these new WarningsOnCreate and WarningsOnUpdate hooks in your strategy file for an improved user experience with deprecations.

#100136: Add feature gate to disable all in-tree cloud providers

Another step towards removing in-tree cloud controllers, they can now be disabled entirely via a DisableCloudProviders feature gate. It was previously possible to disable these independently in each place that touches cloud-y things but now we have a centralized toggle. Moving cloud code out of the main tree is still going to be a slow process but one step easier and one step closer than before. If you’ve already migrated to an out-of-tree provider, you can enable this as a second line of defense for the in-tree provider accidentally reactivating.

Other Merges

Structured Logging Progress: volumes plugins, IPVS proxy



SIG-CLI is proposing to deprecate the buggy --record flag. Give them feedback by June 6.

Version Updates

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

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