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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending August 22, 2021

Developer News

Vallery Lancey and Nabarun Pal have been elected to the Code of Conduct Committee for the 2021-2023 term.

SIG-Docs is looking for contributors, particularly folks interested in becoming reviewers, and eventually Chairs. If you like writing, SIG-Docs is the place for you!

Is Code Freeze too long? Too short? Just right? Add your thinky bits to the discussion.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Enhancements Freeze, Sept. 9

The 1.23 release cycle began today. As always, the call for Enhancements is the first activity we’ll see, and notably the PRR Committee would like to see the PRR part of your KEP a week before, on Sept. 2nd, if at all possible.

1.22.1, with the first batch of post-release fixes, is now available.

#104368: golang 1.17 fails to parse IPs with leading zeros

One of the backwards-incompatible changes in Go 1.17 is that net.ParseIP and net.ParseCIDR now reject IPs with leading zeroes, such as In Go 1.16 these would parse but octets with a leading zero would be interpreted as octal, leading to both user confusion and potential security issues in edge cases. This unfortunately puts us in a difficult place as we can’t (or at least really prefer not to) change the validation behavior in ways that affect existing stored data. As a temporary “no worse than it was before” solution we have added two functions to k8s.io/utils/net, ParseIPSloppy and ParseCIDRSloppy. If you are interacting with stored IPs or CIDR masks in Kubernetes types, please make sure you use these going forward rather than the net versions. And stay tuned for future updates as this is hopefully only a stopgap answer.

#101081: kubelet: add graceful shutdown events

The graceful node shutdown allows giving pods time to be evicted before a node terminates or reboots. As a new addition, this will also yield a Shutdown type event into the Node object’s event stream. This can be used for fleet analysis, scripting waits, or alerting.

#104281: send retry-after until the apiserver is ready

And finally a short but useful feature, a --startup-send-retry-after-until-ready=true command line option for kube-apiserver to set it to return an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests and a Retry-After header in the (short) time between the listening socket being opened and the API server being ready for requests. If you work on a Kubernetes client that doesn’t already support 429/Retry-After, now would be a great time to add it!

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Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

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