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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending May 30, 2021

Developer News

With sadness we report the passing of contributor Peeyush Gupta. Peeyush was a regular contributor in SIG-ContribEx and a member of the 1.22 Release Team. If you have remembrances of Peeyush to share, add them to the memorial page.

SIG-CLI would like to add a confirmation to cascading deletes in kubectl. This would be a breaking change, so please check out the proposal and the discussion.

Contributor Summit 2021 will likely be a “hybrid event”, but we need to know how many folks will be there in person vs. virtually. Please let the summit team know if you’re planning on going, and if so how.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Feature exceptions due, June 28th

Folks are hard at work coding and documenting their 1.22 features. Don’t forget about tests, though; currently we have 4 jobs flaking in master-blocking, and a whopping 14 jobs flaking or failing in master-informing. Let’s fix these now and not have code freeze be a grueling slog of test fail debugging.

Cherry-pick deadline for the next patch releases is June 12.

#102343: Changes headers to remove “X-“ prefix (IETF deprecation)

An extremely-niche-but-technically-a-compat-change tweak, the telemetry headers sent from kubectl to kube-apiserver are being changed to match IETF recommendations. X-Kubectl-Command is now Kubectl-Command and X-Kubectl-Session is Kubectl-Session. If you have some homebrew audit logging system that uses these headers, now is your chance to tweak it.

#101742: Promote DS MaxSurge to beta

Many DaemonSets provide critical node-level functionality that can make upgrades tricky. If the previous rolling update behavior was “at most one”, by setting the new MaxSurge option you can instead get “at least one”. This may not apply in all cases but for situations where overlapping during upgrades is preferable to a tiny outage, consider investigating this new option.

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Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.