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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending August 15, 2021

Developer News

Anubhav Vardhan has restarted the effort to localize the Kubernetes docs to Hindi. If you write that language, please consider helping out.

Registration is open for the Kubernetes Contributor Summit in LA and online; please register whether you’ll be there in person or internet. Also, please propose a session. The summit will include a couple general sessions, a lot of “unconference” style sessions, a couple workshops, and some SIG face-to-face meetings, and you can use that form to propose all of those.

Timothy St. Clair has stepped down from SIG-Cluster-Lifecycle, and nominated Vince Prignano to the chair.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: 1.23 Cycle Begins, August 23

Roughly one week after the new release cycle begins, the Production Readiness Review team would like to have all of your requests to review KEPs. They realize this is an early deadline, and call for shadows to learn PRR so that they can expand bandwidth for KEP review.

Patch versions 1.19.14, 1.20.10, and 1.21.4 came out last week. Changes consist primarily of updating the Go version, with a few miscellaneous bug fixes.

#103918: Allow customizing spam filtering in event client library

The Events subsystem has many protections to keep the flood of data from overwhelming kube-apiserver. Two major ones are implemented in the event recorder system in client-go, deduplication and rate limiting. While duplication checks the whole event struct, the rate limiting system has, so far, only looked source and involved object. This can now be customized for situations where rate limits should also take into account other data such as the event Reason field (different Reasons could be bucketed separately). When constructing the recorder, you can now specify a SpamKeyFunc in the correlator options to provide your own stringification, including whichever data is important for your use case.

#104030: Refactor defaultpreemption for out-of-tree plugins

A number of utility functions for managing preemption in scheduler plugins have been shuffled into their own package to make it easier for out-of-tree consumers. If you were previously importing helpers from scheduler/framework/plugins/defaultpreemption, check out the new and improved versions!

Other Merges


Version Updates

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.