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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending April 10, 2022

Developer News

Registration for the 2022 KubeCon EU Contributor Summit is now open; please register as soon as you can so that we can get an approximate headcount. Most of the Summit will be an unconference, so think about sessions you might want to lead and/or request. We can also host SIG face-to-face meetings, if you want to hold one of these contact us

Abdullah Gharaibeh is looking for comments on the Pod Resources Reservation proposal.

If your organization forks Kubernetes and builds from Git, SIG-Release wants to hear from you about the upcoming primary branch rename from master to main for kubernetes/kubernetes. One response per organization, please.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Docs finished, April 12th

The 1.24 release will likely be delayed by about a week, due to waiting on an upstream Go fix, which is scheduled for inclusion in Go 1.18.1. As much as possible, though, other deadlines will not be pushed back so that 1.24 is ready to go as soon as the Go release is integrated and tested.

Even if we weren’t delayed by Golang fixes, release is looking shaky: at this point 50% of master-blocking tests are “flaky”, and we have a new master-informing fail on Windows. If you can help troubleshoot any of the unreliable tests, now is the time to pitch in.

Patch releases for 1.21-1.23 are expected out this Wednesday.

As we are still in Code Freeze, this week we can highlight some non-code happenings in our community.

community#6596: Add Nabarun and Arnaud to GitHub Admin Team

Arnaud Meukam and Nabarun Pal have volunteered to join the GitHub admin team. They replace Aaron Crickenberger and Erick Fejta who are stepping down to focus elsewhere in the project. Thanks so much to Aaron and Erick for all their hard work, and thanks to Arnaud and Nabarun for taking on the new responsibilities for us all!

community#6590: Add GitHub account Prerequisite for K8s contribution

A great PR from a first-time contributor to Kubernetes, we highlight this as a reminder to everyone that documentation should take no knowledge for granted. We all had to start somewhere and clear introductory docs are a great stepping stone on that journey.

Other Merges


Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.