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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending March 26, 2023

Developer News

The EU Contributor Summit call for session proposals ends this Friday; if you want to do something at the KCSEU, please fill it out. Note that this includes SIG Meetings, so if your SIG would like a room, use the form.

Release Schedule

Next Deadline: Everything Is Due, April 4th

Everything is frozen, everything is due on 4/4, including final edited docs, themes, and feature blogs. It’s time to put 1.27 to bed for hopefully an on-time release April 11th. 1.27rc0 was released last week, so for all the folks who aren’t SIG Chairs or docs people, it’s time for you to test the new version with your stacks and tools, and report bugs ASAP.

Let’s get 1.27 out on time!

Other Merges


Version Updates

Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.