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Last Week in Kubernetes Development

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Week Ending August 20, 2023

Developer News

We deeply regret to announce the loss of Kubernetes contributor Kris Nóva. A member of our community since the beginning, Kris was known for her contributions to ClusterAPI, Kops, Falco, and many other areas, as well as writing Cloud Native Intrastructure. She will be deeply missed. To remember Kris, please donate in her name to the Nivenly Foundation or Trans Lifeline.

Get ready to join other contributors at the Kubernetes Contributor Summit North America in Chicago. Registration is open, as is the call for sessions, including workshops, discussions, and SIG meetings.

Ana Margarita Medina and Jeremy Rickard have been elected to the Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committee.

Steering committee nominations are still open until August 26th; please get your candidate or self nomination in soon. And check your voting status.

Release Schedule

1.28 Is Released! Yaaay!

Kubernetes v1.28, “Planternetes”, is now available. It has 45 enhancements, including 19 new alpha features, among them: recovery from unexpected node shutdown, improved CRD validation, increased support for mixed-version clusters, replacement and backoff for Job pods, and complex device container support. Try out 1.28 today!

Shadow Applications to join the 1.29 Release Team are open.

Patch releases for all supported versions are expected out on the 23rd, including another Go version bump.

KEP of the Week

KEP-3895: Interactive(-i) flag to kubectl delete for user confirmation

Adds an interactive mode for kubectl delete command, which provides users an option to confirm whether or not to delete the resources mentioned. For backwards compatibility, asking the user for confirmation before deleting by default is not possible. Hence the new interactive flag (-i), which when used prompts the user to confirm if they really want to delete the resources selected.

When using the proposed interactive flag with kubectl delete, the user will be shown the list of resources that would be deleted. The command continues execution if the user confirms by entering y. If the user enters n or any other character, the command stops execution and returns a message with zero exit code. This KEP is in alpha in v1.28, and will be hidden behind a KUBECTL_INTERACTIVE_DELETE environment variable.

This KEP and the associated PR was authored by Arda Güçlü.

Other Merges

Testing improvements: kubeadm kubeconfig, StorageClass, start.ordinal, kms2 enablement, kubeadm proxy, table0-driven controller tests



Last Week In Kubernetes Development (LWKD) is a product of multiple contributors participating in Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. All original content is licensed Creative Commons Share-Alike, although linked content and images may be differently licensed. LWKD does collect some information on readers, see our privacy notice for details.

You may contribute to LWKD by submitting pull requests or issues on the LWKD github repo.